Next up was some strange birds that I never thought to see in my country. I don't know the name of it, but I assume it is migratory birds, escaping from the hot weather to the chill Norwegian summer
One of my favourites is the Lynx, largest cat in Norway. Here is a beautiful piece, watching me, but I stayed cool as always, and psyched here out.
One of the most dangerous animal in our country is the Wolverine. It's a very shy animal, and I got just one lousy shoot at her, before she escaped down to hide below some trees.
After some hour waiting with, I finally got a shoot at a rare Fox. Don't know the name of it, but it's a beutiful piece of animal.
More normal sight, deer. I could have a cople of them for dinner every day. If I wanted.
Suddenly, I meet something I never expected to see. A sleeping Tiger. Wow, what to see here in Norway!! If I didn't knew better, I would assume to be placed in a middle of a zoo
And here, the proud Wolfs, of course in herd, hungry as always. Needed to use my knife to survive from them. It ended well.
And if the Tiger was not a big shock, some Zebras came over me the last day. I had seen enough, and I tell you. Why go to Africa or Asia to see wildness life. We have as much as you want here in our country.
Conclusion: After we open our borders for whatever African or Asia country, we just don't have immigrants with different skin color, also the animals know to find the way to us.